Monday, April 18, 2011

The End

The end is in sight people! I just finished my Stats final which took me 2 1/2 hours to do. I am SO GLAD Stats is over! YAY! And I ended up with a pretty decent grade so can't complain.

Also it's POURING rain outside which is one of my favorite things in the whole world. I know I'm crazy, but I grew up in San Diego where there is really no change in weather, so when on occasion it did rain, we would have a fire and mom would bake tons of goodies and we'd watch movies. Aka the best things ever. So rain makes me happy, even when I have to study for finals. It's also awesome because yesterday I was wishing I could go outside and enjoy the 70 degree weather and sunshine SO BAD! It was horrible, but today I am glad to stay inside :)

Also, MY BIRTHDAY IS IN 4 DAYS! I love my birthday. I know that sounds selfish, and it kind of is, but I love it. And I love that i'm going to be 21! I feel like such a young 20 year old baby right now, and I'm excited to finally be a real adult (haha side note: we have been discussing what "real adult" even means...and have come to the conclusion that we aren't real adults until we have kids. So therefore, we are both still non-adults). Here is the only picture I could find from my recent birthdays...its a poster Jen made for my 19th b-day: (actually she made like a billion and put them all over our dorm. It was so fun!!! And she put streamers tightly across my door so I couldn't get in or out...)
So weird that this was 2 years ago. It feels like just yesterday like seriously.

ANYWAYS, I'm very excited for finals to be over and they will be (hopefully) TOMORROW! Now on to studying molecular bio...oh and p.s. I think this is the first time I have really been a legit "college student" studying for finals in the sense that all i'm doing is studying (besides right now), my diet is seriously disgusting right now (pizza, oreos, coke, flavored tootsie rolls, chocolate chips...yep, strait from the bag), and I am literally getting no sleep. But it's kind of fun in a way because I know how awesome it will feel once I'm done!

Oh and Billy is also doing really well on finals! He is awesome. He got 2 finals done on Saturday, and got 90% on both of them. What a champ! Here he is at the testing center about to go in to take a test...I took a picture of him from my computer on the testing center webcam haha! We thought it was pretty funny.

Ok now for reals back to studying...


  1. Wow!! Way to go on those finals!! And how sweet to have them almost over and then it's your birthday!! Now THAT is a great birthday present! And, btw, I'm not old enough to have adult children, so I'm glad you acknowledged you're a non-adult. :) And I'll try to have some healthy food around when you come home :).

  2. that picture of billy is AWESOMMMMEMEEEEE!!
    and we'll have to celebrate your birthday when i get back!

  3. Haha that picture of Billy is so funny!

  4. ppppuuuuushhhhin it with the webcam pic. what's next? taking pictures of people in the bathroom at the wilk? felicidades. that's spanish for happy birthday.

  5. Love the webcam pic, you guys crack me up! Happy almost birthday! Will you accept late gifts? Perhaps one will show just when you think the birthday festivities are over and that will make you love it even more :)
