Monday, June 20, 2011

My Dad

I know Father's Day was yesterday, so yes I am a day behind on this.  I just wanted to let everyone know how grateful I am for my Dad.  I feel like I am really good at letting my Mom know how grateful I am for her, but sometimes I struggle letting my Dad know how equally grateful I am for him.  I am so lucky to have such a strong, righteous, loving, kind man for a Dad!  He is so good at being a Dad.  He has always been at every single one of my softball games, soccer games, basketball games, cross country meets, and track meets.  He has supported me in everything I have ever pursued and has helped me become who I am now.  I have also loved watching him be equally as supportive of all of my brothers.  I love how happy he is to go to all the silly T-ball games with a bunch of 5-year-olds running around having no clue what they are doing.  He is also such a great spiritual leader.  For a lot of years I think I based my testimony off of his, because he is so unwaveringly faithful.  I think I sometimes still lean on his testimony to help me get through hard things.  As I was looking for a husband, one of the things that I saw in Billy was the potential to become a great of a man as my Dad, and as great as Billy's Dad for that matter.  I am excited to see Billy become a Dad and to have daughters feel the same way about him as I feel about my Dad!  I love you Dad!

Had to throw this one in here.... :)


  1. Oh Caitlin! This is the best gift I could ever have for fathers day! Thank you so much for sharing those thoughts with me. I know I'm not perfect but you made me feel like I am. I love you more than words can say.

  2. hahahaha Y-M-C-A! He's so great!! And you said it so well! Thanks, Cait!

  3. You didn't mention that that is YOU in the first picture with your spikey up hair! And I love that second picture...your face, Dallin's handsomeness, and Derek's chub!
