Friday, November 4, 2011

Halloween festivities!

Halloween was so fun this year.  Billy didn't have work Wednesday-Saturday the week before Halloween so we did lots of festive things!

First, on Tuesday of that week, we went over to Lauren and Dan's for some pumpkin carving!  It was way fun hanging out with them and seeing their new place!

Lauren's super cute hair-do!  I need to learn how to do this.


 They turned out pretty freakin awesome if I do say so myself (sorry Lauren, yours is kinda covered up...)

On Wednesday Billy had his bowling league and this was the first time this season I was able to go!  I decided to make pumpkin muffins again for the team.  I really need to take pictures of them actually bowling one of these days.  I <3 pumpkin muffin batter!

Thursday me and Billy went to the BYU farmer's market after I got off work!  It was so fun!  They had a bunch of fun things.  We bought some super cute Halloween pillow cases and a case of some honey butter from real bees!  Well, the honey is from real bees, not really sure how they make it into butter.  All I know is it's delicious.

Here's the pillow cases (Billy volunteered to sleep on the candy corn one because it's itchier and he doesn't even like candy corn.  What a guy am I right?)

Billy jumped into the picture on the first one and I thought it was a cute pic haha:

On Friday we went up to West Jordan I think it is to this place called Gardner's Village.  They make it all fall-ish there and decorate the whole place with these big witches.  It was really cool.  They had a bunch of little Halloween shops that we had fun walking through.

Witch biking through the air...

There were TONS of little kids there all dressed up!  It was so cute! They were all having fun dancing on that little stage to some Halloween tunes.

We bought a Halloween doormat there!  I've been looking for one for a long time but I've only found ugly ones or $40+ dollar ones but this one was super cute and 40% off!  So awesome!

Then we decided to use our Chipotle gift card Kara gave me for my birthday (thanks so much Kara!) and eat there for dinner since we were like 5 miles away!  It was my first time going there and it was SO GOOD!  Except I found a piece of plastic in my food.  Pretty sure it was the tip of a plastic glove.  Does anyone remember when Billy found a tip of a plastic glove in his food at Rubios?  Now we have both found one.  I was going to complain to get some free food or something, but I decided not to be the annoying customer and just deal with it.  It didn't dampen the experience at all, if anything it made it funnier.

Bill with his huge burrito:

Super cute pic of us huh?  Haha I kind of wish Billy wasn't making that face because then it actually would have been pretty cute, but its funny so whatevz


We were going to go to the corn maze after that, but we were both tired and cold so we decided to go home and watch a scary movie instead.  We watched The Happening.  It was pretty stupid and not scary.  So I don't recommend it.

On Saturday night I had to work :( Here is a creeper picture I took of a super cute boy dressed as Batman walking through the Wilk!  He was so adorable, too bad I only got a picture of the back of him.  And it's blurry.  I'm excited to dress up our own kids and take them trick-or-treating someday!

On Sunday we had pumpkin pancakes for breakfast and chili for dinner.  Two fall staple food items.

Sunday night we went over to John and Barbara's for a pumpkin carving party!  It was so so fun!  I love hanging out with my cousins, it's the funnest.

Everyone carving away/ getting distracted by Johnny's creative carving strategies...

cute little carvers...

our awesome Stegosaurus pumpkin!

All our pumpkins lined up outside our door...

And thennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn on actual Halloween on Monday we went over to Lauren and Dan's again to watch The Uninvited!  When we were over carving pumpkins Lauren told us about one of her worst Halloween costumes that her mom made her be.  She was a "deviled egg" dressed in a white puffy coat and a yellow yolk and then devil horns.  Hahahha we thought that was hilarious so guess what we dressed up as...yep deviled eggs.  We showed up on Monday and surprised Lauren.  It was pretty hilarious.  Lauren has pictures on her phone sooooo I'll get those later and then put them on here :)  Lauren was dressed up as Audrey cute!  And Dan was a sports fan.  We all dressed up just for fun and sat there in our costumes watching the movie :)  It was way fun!

So anyways, that was a really long post so sorry but it was a super fun week of Halloween activities!  I love Halloween!

p.s. I am majorly struggling with making our blog cute.  HOW DOES EVERYONE DO IT???  Help me!!!


  1. wow what a spooky fun Halloween you had! love the dinosaur pumpkin! i will text you those pictures asap

  2. hahaha! Caitlin, your blog is cute! I love the funny stories about gloves in your food and cute little batmans at your work. And I think your pumpkins rock! ;)
    See you in like a month and a half! WOW!

  3. ok, so i need to get married already so i can hang out with you cool married kids! looks like so much fun... glad you're having a great fall :)
