Friday, November 11, 2011

11:11 on 11-11-11

TODAY IS SUCH A SPECIAL DAY!  As some of you may know, I love making wishes on 11:11.  I feel like it is a magical time.  So today is like the ultimate wish day.  I love it!  I just wanted to blog to show all my posterity that I was alive and well at this monumental moment in time.  I am actually currently studying for my bug quiz, so I am memorizing 25 different families of bugs (too bad it isn't 11!  seriously...11 would be way easier to remember). 

When me and Billy were dating, I used to always make us make wishes on 11:11 and so we would sit there quietly making a wish and then of course we weren't allowed to tell our wishes or else they wouldn't come true, but we did anyways.  Because I always really wanted to know what Billy was wishing!  He always told me it was something stupid like "I wish I could fly" and stuff but of COURSE I knew he was wishing "I wish Caitlin would marry me!"  Or "I wish Caitlin would say something about us getting married" or "I wish we could just elope and be married right now!"...because I was wishing that he would wish that.  I always told him I was wishing that I would do well on my test, or do well in school or something lame like that, when I was always wishing that Billy would say "I love you" or talk about marriage or sometimes I really was wishing I would do well on a test because I was hanging out with Billy rather than studying so I needed all the help I could get.

ANYWAYS, today is fun.  I'm glad I'm alive for this day.


  1. Love the new blog look! And dang it! Now I wish I posted a cool blog post at 11:11. All I posted about today was a lamp. . .

  2. K, I just posted a comment and it disappeared! I hope it doesn't show up twice.

    So, I want to know, now that you're married to your wishing partner, if he really was wishing all those things about you....

    Love you two! So much!!
