Sunday, February 19, 2012

February Fun

Hey guys!  I've got just a bunch of random stuff to blog about.  Woo!

First, every time Billy leaves work, a brigade of waddling ducks run happily over to his car...its so funny!  He always takes pictures and sends them to me and I decided to blog about this one because it was just too funny.  It's just scary when he drives away because he has to be so careful not to hit any.  I love ducks!

Next, something so weird happened!  In the pack of toilet paper rolls we got there were some without rolls!  Have you ever seen this before?  I thought it was so weird and I just wanted to share.  Hopefully it's good luck or something.

My mom sent us another awesome Valentines Day package this year!  Included in the package were these awesome candy hearts that I finished in like 4 days.  And also some other delish treats that I don't have pictures of probably because we ate it all so fast.  Gross but awesome.  Thanks Mom!  I love Valentine's Day!

Speaking of Valentine's Day...look what Billy did for me!

Well, I had originally started decorating the house with hearts but I was so busy I ran out of time.  So he finished decorating the house and wrote me a nice note.  It was a bummer that we were so busy on Valentine's Day to do anything.  We are going out to dinner tomorrow though as a week late Valentine's date :)

Oh and last Sunday marked our 1 1/2 year anniversary!  Billy got me flowers on Monday for that/Valentine's.  Crazy we've been married for that long!


Last night we went to the BYU Philharmonic Orchestra thingy because Billy's friend Darren played the bass and Darren's wife Stacy plays the cello so we went to go see them play!  It was really fun and a good way to get a little more culture into our lives.  The only annoying thing was that a girl in front of us shushed us!  I was whispering to Billy for like 2 seconds and she turned around and just shushed us right in the face.  We were both annoyed by that.  And then these people behind us were whispering super loud the rest of the time and I could tell those girls in front of us were going crazy.  They kept looking slightly over their shoulders and then huffing and shaking their heads.  It was actually hilarious and helped keep me entertained during the slow parts.

Anyways, after the show me and Billy, Matt and Amy Keller, and Matt Nixon all went and got some ice cream :)  Way fun.

Well, that's all the pictures I have.  A few more updates:

-Billy's sister Jody had her baby on Tuesday the 14th!  That was our very exciting news of the week :)  We have another cutie niece!  Welcome Cecilia!

-Billy just got set apart today as Elder's Quorum President in our ward.  Pretty awesome!

-I was studying ALL last week for a Genetics test that I finally took on Friday!  I'm still not sure what I got because I was too scared to look at my score.  I studied so hard I just didn't want to be disappointed, ya know?  So glad that is over!

- Billy is really enjoying volunteering at the Slate Canyon boy's detention center place.  He goes there 3 times a week now and volunteers in study hall and in the classroom.  He has connected with a few of the boys there, which is always fun to hear about :)

Well, I think that's all there is to update.  Sorry we don't have any kids to give some super fun crazy updates on.  Someday our blog will be filled with cute kid pics...but until then you get boring college updates.  I'm so glad there is no school tomorrow!  Thank you all presidents for living and therefore giving us President's day!

1 comment:

  1. Fun stuff!! I always knew Billy would have a following, but I didn't expect them to be ducks. :) And I'm sure that toilet paper thing means you're lucky for life! Way to go Billy on decorating the apt! Celebrations are the best part of life, we should have them more often!

    I want to hear how you did on your genetics test, and I want to hear more about Billy's work at Slate Canyon. All interesting stuff! You're so lucky!
