Saturday, February 11, 2012

Derek's Mission Call!

A few weeks ago...I don't even remember exactly when it was...Derek got his mission call!  It was sent to San Diego first, then my mom overnighted it to Rexburg so Derek could open it first.  Me and Billy decided to drive up to Idaho to be there when he opened it!  It was so much fun!

The anticipation...

 INDEPENDENCE, MISSOURI MISSION!!!  He leaves June 13th.  So awesome!!  Everyone thinks Derek will do really well there.  The call opening was so exciting!  I had some major adrenaline pumping!

We got the whole thing on video too (thanks Travis for filming :) ) so here ya go (hopefully it works):


Woo hoo brother!!

Everyone that came to support!  (minus Cami, Gene and Michele...they were there too!  So fun!)

We stayed the night at Travis and Cami's (thanks again guys!) and the next morning went to see Derek's basketball game.

Derek was the tallest one out there!  It was way fun.  They had a heartbreaking loss by one point.  So sad.  But that made for an exciting game!

We headed back to Provo right after that because we both had homework and stuffs to do.  It was such a fun weekend though and we are so excited for Derek!!


  1. I'm so glad you got the video!! That is such a fun memory! And I'm glad you guys could go up there for it! Derek will be an awesome missionary!

  2. I loved watching that video!!! Thanks for sharing! Go Derek!

  3. Oh, and thanks for the basketball shots!
