Sunday, April 1, 2012

Birthday Surprise!

Sooooo this morning I woke up and walked out of the room to Billy filming me with the camera (won't be including that video).  Haha I saw along the wall a bunch of drawings on gold paper and at the end a poem:

How awesome is that???  I'm so excited!  I get to look forward to every day this month!!  Apparently Billy got up in the middle of the night last night to draw all these.  Kind of crazy, he said it took him like 3 hours.  And so right now he is sleeping :)  I was genuinely surprised though, and so excited that Billy succeeded on surprising me!  Here are the other awesome pictures:

This is from Scrubs.  You know "The Todd"?  He always gives high fives and then snaps.

Giraffe...self explanatory why it's awesome

This is an awesome drawing of a Pennie dog!  Such an artist.

You know how in Batman Begins, Rachel asks after Batman just destroyed those guys attacking her "Who are you?" and he's like "someone like you, someone who rattled the cages."  Yeah that's where this is from.  Didn't Billy do an awesome job drawing Batman?  Holy cow!

Billy said this is his least favorite...probably because its a kind of lopsided star.  Its still awesome.

So yep!  I'm way excited for this month!  Something to look forward to every day!  I will keep you posted on the fun things I get :)

P.S. Wasn't conference great??!

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