Saturday, November 17, 2012

Big News!

Most of you already know about this big news (and I just put it on Facebook) but...

We are moving to Washington DC in January!  Yay!

I decided I wanted an adventure for us so I applied to do my student teaching in DC.  We talked to my cousin Greg who works for Senator Mike Lee about getting Billy an internship at the Capitol.  Billy applied and just got offered the internship last week!  Hooray!  So we are officially moving out there.  Billy's internship ends May 3rd so we will be out there at least until then.  Then we don't know what we're doing...but we'll figure it out :)

I'm really nervous but pretty excited.  I'm mostly nervous about finding a place to live.  We haven't found one yet.  And I'm stressed about all we have to get done (I'm a stressor...Billy is not.  I think he gets annoyed at my craziness sometimes but at least he balances me out haha).  We need to sell our car so if anyone is interested in buying our awesome 4-runner let us know!

Also some other kind of big news is that I got released from being a Sunday School teacher!!  Yayaya!  Callings in our ward are usually only for a year or less and I had that calling for a year and 3 months.  It was a great learning experience and honestly I've never studied the Book of Mormon harder before in my life, but I'm excited to sleep in on Sunday mornings again!

Also, Thanksgiving is NEXT WEEK!  What?!  Time flies!  We'll be heading out to AZ to spend time with Billy's fam and can't wait.  So excited to have a few days off of school.


  1. So fun!! I can't wait to hear stories about your new adventure!

  2. SO excited! It's going to be an awesome experience!
