Saturday, November 3, 2012

Carving Pumpkins

On Saturday, after the half marathon, I was feeling really sick.  I was starving but I couldn't eat anything or I felt like I was going to throw up.  It was weird.  So I slept a lot.  Billy got in on that action:

I have so many funny pictures of Billy sleeping from over the years...I'm going to have to do a sleepy Billy post sometime.

After I woke up I was feeling a little better and was able to eat some stuff.  We went to the store to get pumpkins to carve that night!  Carving was super fun!  We tried to take some creepy pictures of ourselves with the pumpkins and they looked super creepy on my phone screen...but not so creepy now because you can see our bodies.  It looked like it was just our heads on my screen haha.  So now these pictures are kind of lame but still funny.  (Of course I carved a giraffe.  And after much deliberation, Billy decided on the traditional jack-o-lantern).

Yeah on my phone screen Billy looked like a ghost in this one...

 Supposed to be a floating happy head

This one is still pretty creepy haha...

So that was fun!

Some other random things...we made a delicious dinner on Sunday!  This spinach lemon tortellini stuff with cooked zucchini.  SO GOOD!

We had a guy from our ward over for dinner too and he was telling us how he used to be in a band and play the drums.  I told him that Billy plays guitar and so he offered to let Billy borrow his nice guitar to play on!  That's been fun for Billy since his guitar strings are broken.

Other random things:

-I took the Praxis exam today!  It's the exam to make sure you can be a teacher.  It was pretty hard and I really hope I passed!  It covered tons of Biology topics.  Like everything I've learned in my college career.

-We deeply cleaned and organized our apartment today!  It was really fun actually to throw so much stuff away!  We did it so people could come look at our apartment (!) I'm going to announce that news later though once we have more information!!  (I'm not pregnant just in case anyone looked at the word "news" and automatically thought that)

-I've been observing in a 9th grade Biology class twice a week for this semester.  Me and my friend Katelynn taught them the other day!  We stood in front of all of them and taught them about the periodic table!  Crazy I know.  And we are teaching them again this Friday!  Wowza it's scary.

-I wanted to do "No sugar November" this month because I have been eating really bad and I was inspired by my cousin Kim to go a whole month without sugar (you're awesome Kim!).  As November was coming up I kept thinking about how sad I would be if, after a long day, I couldn't come home and eat a cookie haha.  Soooo I decided to make it "No soda November" instead! :)  Soda is the main thing I have been wanting to cut out of my diet because I always feel so gross after I drink a lot.  So it's been 3 whole days of November and we haven't had soda yet!  YAY!  We are awesome.  We decided we would only strongly enforce this new rule until Thanksgiving just in case we got around family and couldn't resist...:) Maybe someday I will be able to go a month without any sugar at all.

I guess that's it.  I can't believe it's November already!  Time is flying!  I can't wait for this week to be's going to be a crazy one.  And then I can't wait for Thanksgiving! 


  1. Yay for No Soda November!! You can do it! Last year I tried to not eat sugar in November and it was really hard. So hard I failed after like two days. Its too close to the holidays. Can you imagine no hot cocoa when its snowing outside??? Impossible.

    When I took the praxis they put the FACS teachers in the same room with the math teachers. We all finished in half the time and took naps. Those math teachers were writing like crazy until the last second. Ha! It was so funny because you can't really make a super difficult FACS test, you either know it or don't. Maybe if they had us sew something. . .

  2. Love the giraffe pumpkin! Super cute! I like your ghost pictures to. Way to go on the test (finishing it). I'm sure you did awesome!

  3. I just noticed your PLANT in this picture. It's still alive!!! You'll have to find it a home when you go to DC!
