Monday, June 17, 2013

Summer Fun!

We have been having so much fun here in Arizona with Billy's parents!  We haven't really been doing anything too awesome...just little things that make life more fun :)  And a few book keeping items as well.  Here are some things we've been up to:

1. Well, first of all I finally legally changed my name from Sutherland to Barnes.  Only 3 years late...hehehe oops.  I got my new Arizona license as well which was pretty sad.  I got a pretty bad picture and it doesn't expire until I'm 60 so I won't get a new picture until then :( boohoo.

2. I got my diploma in the mail!!  YAY YAY YAY!!!  I'm officially a BYU grad!

3. I went to BASIS to sign all my tax forms and become an official employee!  I'm a real grown up now...weird.

4.  We've been doing lots of fun things with food.  First, we had a coke tasting test where we got 6 different kinds of cola: Pepsi, Coke, Vanilla coke, Safeway brand Cola, Dr. Pepper, and RC cola.  We tried to see if we could tell the difference between them.  Each of us only got 2 right!  Most of us got Dr. Pepper and Vanilla coke right.  Pretty funny...and fun!!

5. Another fun thing with food we've done is try ice cream on waffles for dessert.  So yummy!!  It's like having ice cream in a warm, soft waffle cone.  I love that Bruce and Karen love desserts as much as I do!

6. We've also been eating lots of Bahama Bucks!  If you have never had Bahama Bucks, I am very sorry.  It is delicious!  We went the other day with Stephen and Megan and baby Naomi.  Naomi really seemed to like it...she's a girl who knows whats up!

7. Karen and I went to World Market the other day and saw all the fun different kinds of sodas and decided it would be so fun to have another soda taste test but this time just try all different kinds of soda!  It was so fun!  Don't have a picture of this one unfortunately.  We had a key lime pie soda and a chocolate soda...yummerz!

8. We have been helping around the house a bit to earn our keep.  Billy mowed the lawn one morning in a very interesting outfit...haha I thought it was so funny.

9.  A cockroach sprinted across the carpet and I jumped up on the couch and continued reading my magazine while Billy located the little sucker...which he never did YIKES!

10. We went to Billy's 2nd cousin Ryan's wedding the other day.  They had a photo booth set up for the sign in book!  You get your pictures taken and they put it in a book and then you sign it.  So cute!!  Here are our pics:

11.  We hung out with Caitlin and Clayton the other night...we went to Grimaldi's for dinner and walked around an outside mall in Scottsdale.  It was so fun!  We love having friends here!

12.  We're still doing our insanity workouts and they are getting super hard!  We really struggled this morning!  But they definitely are good workouts...I'm so tired when we are finished everyday.  But it is awesome!!

Other random pictures and stuff:

Billy and Bruce setting up their new Apple father and son activities

Billy fell asleep with this coolio band around his head the other funny

We are really loving living here with Bruce and Karen.  It's been great.  We've done a lot more fun stuff together too but of course I can't remember now :)


  1. That soda tasting looks like so much fun! I bet Billy's parents are loving having you there to do fun things like that with (super awkward sentence, sorry!)

    Good job on your workouts! I have only missed two days this month and I'm blaming Adam :)

  2. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE!!!!! So so so so so proud of you!

  3. Your post always make me laugh and are so entertaining to read. Love the food/drink tasting. Billy's outfit is awesome. Congrats on graduating, becoming an official Barnes, and an adult. AZ is sure busy for you! Side note, Clovis randomly has a Bahama Bucks so there is one redeeming quality about our future home : )

  4. Sure you guys move to AZ as soon as we leave and sure you decide to do lots of fun stuff with food and desserts and soda and sure you officially become a Barnes when I'm not there to celebrate and sure you don't get to babysit my kids now that we swapped places...
    looks like fun! We miss you guys!
