Sunday, January 16, 2011

Busy semester

Well I don't really have anything exciting to blog about, I just felt like blogging :) This is what Billy is doing right now...

He fell asleep watching Tarzan.

Well, this semester is going to be VERY busy. Billy has pretty much the same schedule as last semester, work all day then class all evening. I have lots of classes on MWF and none on TTh, but I work TTh during the day. Also some news thats kind of exciting...I'm now a team lead at Jamba! So I got a whole 50 cent pay raise :) But that means I also work MW nights. So I get home pretty late on those days.

On Saturday aka yesterday we had a cousin lunch with all the Sutherland cousins at P.F. Changs. That was way fun! I didn't take any pictures which is a bummer :(

Saturday night we went to Nickel City with Jen and Brandon, Hayley and Christian!That was way fun as well. I didn't take any pictures there either. Haha sorry. But I did win this sweet bling bling key chain! I was very excited about it.

It was a really good saturday.

Oh and going back in time 4 days... the 12th was our 5 month anniversary!Beautiful, right? Crazy how time keeps flying.

Ok well that's all I've got. Pretty much every single day is the same right now. I just can't wait until we are finally all done with school. Then life might get a little more fun and exciting :) But as my Grandpa always says...don't wish your life away. So I need to just enjoy school while I can I guess.

Hope everyone has a great day off tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Okay, okay, I'll be the first to comment, AGAIN. It's so cool you had a cousin lunch especially since Greg will be leaving soon (I actually thought he was already gone). Did Lauren make it? I don't even know if she is still living at home.

    And I loved the flowers...daisies are my favorite, next to roses I think.

    And, yes, enjoy every minute of being up there at school. BYU really is a special place. Grandpa would be proud you quoted him. He may read your blog, if grandma can find it, haha. I send them the link every other week or so.

    Love you guys!
