Monday, March 28, 2011


I just wanted to share a few small blessings I noticed this weekend.

1) On saturday I had to take a big test. I studied a ton for it (our friday night consisted of studying...lame-o) and went to take it saturday around 2. As I looked over the test, I got that sinking feeling in my stomach like I couldn't remember anything I studied. I said a quick prayer and tackled what I knew. In the last 15 minutes of the test (the testing center closes at 4...they give a 15 minute warning) a flood of information came into my mind and I remembered a ton of what I had studied! It was crazy! I frantically wrote down answers and was feeling good about them. I turned in the test with 3 minutes to spare. I don't know how I did on the test, but I know I did a lot better than I would have done without that extra help at the end.

2) On Sunday our internet wasn't working. I was frustrated because I had a lot of homework to do online and I was getting stressed. I moped around for a while and then Billy suggested we read some articles from the Ensign. I grumbled but agreed. It was fun reading the stories and discussing them after. After a little while I checked the internet again...and it was working! That was no doubt a miracle.

Sometimes I feel like Heavenly Father is screaming at me to notice the little things He is always doing to help me. I need to be better!


  1. Caitlin,

    It just warms my heart to hear you talk about the "tender mercies of the Lord" that you recognize. Sometimes it doesn't seem logical that you should receive blessings or help by doing the right thing even though they are totally unrelated to what you need help with. In the case of praying for your test, sometimes the Lord will let us struggle to figure things out on our own and then just give us a burst of inspiration just like you experienced. It's called enduring with faith.
    More than anything, I'm just happy you can see the cause and effect of prayer. I love you and love to see you grow spiritually. Keep doing the right things and God will continue to bless you.
    Love, Dad

  2. Proud of you both - learning life's lessons.

  3. Thanks for the reminder. I just love you. The end.
