Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sutherland Family Reunion

The reunion last week was so so so fun.  Grandpa is so awesome at putting these reunions together.  On Sunday we all went to church then hurried back to the condos to get dressed and go take family pictures.  We hung out the rest of the day playing gamez and stuffz.

On Monday it was mountain biking day, which I decided I should probably not participate in because I just broke my wrist a few days earlier from doing that exact activity.  Me and my mom went for a walk and we just hung out the whole day. Dallin got there so we got him some soap and stuff to take a shower/disinfect.

Tuesday was ATV day!  I was  supposed to drive my own but I rode passenger on Billy's since I only had 1 good arm.  It was so fun!  But very dirty.  And very scary being a passenger on Billy's.  But that's ok.

Gearing up


Woo hoo!!

Look how dirty Dad and Grandpa got!  Haha!

Wednesday was white water rafting day!!  So fun!

Our boat!  Love this pic.  Jayce looks so worried haha 

It was so so fun!!  I just wish I had 2 useable arms...because I couldn't really paddle at all and I felt pretty useless.  It was still really fun though.

Thursday was Fun Park day!  Me and my mom went up a little later than everyone else.  It was so fun up there!  But I guess I underestimated how close we are to the sun up in the Colorado mountains because I got severely sun burnt!  Worth it though.

Billy on the jumpy trampoline

Derek on the roller coaster

Kenny on the Alpine slide

There was also a maze, and some panning for gems, a rock climbing wall, and a scenic chair lift.  It was really fun!

Thursday night we went to a "Chuck Wagon Dinner" which was a BBQ dinner and a fun cowboy show out in the middle of the wilderness!  It was a good time for sure.  Lauren and Grandpa were the stars of the show.  It was hilarious.

Friday was free day, with no specific plans so we all went for a family bike ride.  It was great!  Minus my bum being so sore I thought it was going to fall off.  Me and Billy rode a tandem bike so he could steer.

Then on Saturday we all had to pack up and say goodbye :(  So sad.  I have to put in this picture...Jayce's favorite thing to do was drop trash down the trash chute.  So exciting for a 6 year old...and obviously an 18 year old too.

So on our drive home, we made awesome time and were crusin in our big blue truck and once we got back to Price the mechanic gave us the good news that our car was all fixed!  We were so excited and got in to drive it away from the mechanic.......and then it wouldn't start.  Awesome.  So we started calling cousins and grandparents to see if anyone could pick us up on their way back home, but no one was answering their phones.  So we were panicking and trying to come up with an alternate solution to get home and trying to figure out what to do with our stupid broken car and then Adam fortunately called us and said they could pick us up on their way through.  But they were 3 hours away still, so we had some waiting to do.  So we went and explored (some more) the awesome, super exciting town of Price, UT that we had grown to know so well.

We took some awesome pictures in the truck

Went to the dinosaur museum there, unfortunately it was closed so we just took pictures of the outside.

Billy climbing up to hang out with the dinos...

and then getting smashed by it!!  OH NO

Then once Adam, Kim, Andrew, Martha and Blake got there, they were all hungry so we got to hang out in Price longer!  Yay!  We went to dinner and Grandma and Grandpa, Aunt De and Ann were driving through right then too so they met up with us and ate too.  Reunion part 2!  It was fun.  Then we had a really fun drive home with Kim, Adam and baby Olivia!  So fun.  It ended up being a lot longer day than we thought, but all ended up ok.  Our car is still in Price getting a new head gasket, and we should be able to go back and pick it up soon (hopefully).  Can't wait to go back to Price!  Jk.  It was a super fun week and we can't wait for the next reunion :)


  1. This reunion was probably the best one yet! Minus the hard stuff with Dallin. I wish we could go back and do it all over again. I guess it just means we'll look forward more to the next one! I seriously LOVED white water rafting! And riding bikes! Minus to thing you omitted :). love you!

  2. What a blast! It looks like you guys had such an amazing time! Sorry you had to do it all with a bummed out wrist; you're a trooper!
