Monday, September 26, 2011

September happenings

Hey guys.  So we've done some pretty fun stuff lately.  On Labor Day a while ago, we kept up our tradition of going to Thanksgiving Point gardens.  It was funny because last year while we were walking around I was trying to identify all the plants, and this year I was trying to catch all the bugs!  (Oh yeah so if you didn't know, I'm in an Entomology class right now, aka insects.  Its pretty horrible.  I would really appreciate all the help I can get, so send me all the bugs you can get your hands on!!)  So anyways, it was way fun and we are loving this tradition.

Me and Bill ready to catch some bugz

trying to recreate the same picture from 2 years ago (like we did last year too, and fyi we don't know why we were making these faces either.  It was just funny to recreate it).  2009...


This year...

hahahaha how funny is that.  Billy recreated this pic too.  2009...


This year...

so great.  some more fun pics:

It was super fun.

We also went to Lagoon a while ago because Billy's work rented it out for a day.  I can't find the camera with those pics on it right now, so I will put them up later :(

Dallin came through town a couple weeks ago and that is always really interesting.  We picked him up from a 7-11 and he was there with his homeless friends talking to this obviously drunk lady.  As soon as I got there Dallin said "hey sister!" and gave me a hug as he always does.  Then that lady said "hi sister, can I ask you a favor?  Are you mormon?"  And I said yes but I explained that I am literally Dallin's sister.  I don't think she got it but she asked if she could have a ride to like 3 blocks away.  I said sure because we were already picking up Dallin, so might as well pile in all the weirdos.  She kept telling us that her n-word friend was coming too.  It was really funny how nonchalant she was saying it, so me, Bill and Dallin were all cracking up.  She also kept asking me if I could buy her an iced coffee, but she had obviously been drinking and she was carrying a 6 pack of beer!  So I told her no.  It was really weird.  But we dropped her off, then picked up some food and went home to hang out.  Oh and Jose came too, so our apt was pretty dang stinky after the visit.  Don't worry, we cleaned.  Jose sleeping with his leg straight up...

Sorry, no pics of Dallin or us, just of the dog :)

We went over to Steven and Katie's for Sunday dinner last week.  It was so nice of them to have us over!  They got a little tortoise, Doug, and he is the cutest and best thing ever!  It was way fun playing with him in the grass.

That's what's been up lately!  I'll blog later about my bug catching trip....

OH and also we got our Mazda back!  Almost 2 months and a TON of money later, and we finally have it back!  It's very exciting.  Here's a picture of the beautiful sky as I was driving it home from Price yesterday:
Beautiful, right?


  1. That turtle is super cute! And Dallin and Jose...not so cute! But, that's how we roll...gotta love him. So glad you're having a fun September!! I love fall! I can't wait to start baking pumpkin bread and muffins and cookies, oh my!

  2. I just love you guys, you're too darn cute! I want to come out to UT and see you two!

  3. You're all girl Caitlin. I enjoyed the story about your super gross and icky bug collection trip. The photos of Billy and you at T.G. Point were really cool. I hope you guys add fresh versions every year. For a white boy, that Billy can really jump!

    I look forward to your posts and yes, we'll keep out eyes out for more bugs for you.
