Thursday, December 8, 2011

Bowling update

Hey this is Billy.
I know everyone is interested in knowing how the bowling league and my bowling class tournament have turned out now that the semester is over, so here's an update -

We won 1st place last night in our bowling league!  We should get our trophies next week, so maybe I'll post a pic of it then.
And in my bowling class we had a tournament which I won today!

It's been a good week for bowling!


  1. DANG BROTHER! You're a professional! Seriously, are there amateur leagues you can join and get some cash monies with your winnings??? That's insane! WHAT! I can't get over that!

  2. You are a stud! Your talents amaze me. We are so lucky to have you as a son in law! (Except it's not much fun bowling with you if we want to win :)).
