Thursday, May 31, 2012

Billy's 26th Birthday!

Before I start telling about fun stuff, I have some sad news to share.  Captain America died.  I know pretty sad, huh?  We totally thought he was going to die though because he NEVER ate and would just sit in his bowl not moving.  It was a pretty sad sight, so I'm glad he's passed on to fish heaven where he can hopefully find the happiness he was not able to find while here.  It was good we did this test run on a fish rather than an actual kid...haha

BUT we got a new fish!  We really liked having a fish around, so we went and bought another one.

Isn't he beautiful?  We are still trying to decide on a name, but I'm leaning toward b-cubed, which stands for beautiful blue betta.  Pretty good, right?  Vanilla Ice is also a good one.  He is a MUCH better eater and way more interactive and alive!  He gets really scared whenever we move though, and starts swimming all crazy.  He's pretty cool.

So on to Billy's birthday!  It was such a fun day!  We figured out this is the 4th birthday of his that we have celebrated together!!  Can you believe we met when he was 22?  Now I'M 22!  Crazy.  When he turned 23 he was in San Diego with me and we went to the Wild Animal Park and I got him some blue vans that he still wears to this day, when he turned 24 we went to the wool festival and I set up a scavenger hunt for him at all our favorite places and made him lots of cupcakes, when he turned 25 we were married and we went out to eat and saw Thor in the theater!  And now he is 26!

So I got up at 6 am on his birthday to try and make him breakfast before he went to work (I know I should really do that everyday...), but alas we both got up too late and didn't have time.  But I wrote out the day's events in a fun little note and gave it to him.  After work and school we went out to eat at Tucanos since he's been wanting to go there for forever!

We stuffed ourselves SO full of meat and grilled pineapple...mmmm.  Then we went to go see the Avengers for the 2nd time!  Billy kept saying how much he loved it and how he wanted to see it again, so I decided it was a good idea.  His favorite activities are eating and watching movies, after all :)  That was way fun.

Then we came home and ate a ton of cupcakes.  They were small...I promise.  And we watched a lot of the show Community which we love now.  And we started getting ready for our trip to CA the next day!  Oh yeah and Billy opened his presents from his mom, my mom, and me!  Both moms got him some shirts, and he got Thor and some gift cards (thanks moms!!), and I got him....................CAMPING GEAR!  2 sleeping bags and a tent!  Who knew I would be willing to buy this stuff and then by default go camping??  Crazy...I guess I must really love Billy!  He's been wanting camping stuff forever (he always bugs me about how we should have registered for it for our wedding...I didn't think anyone would buy us a tent, ok?!)

Anyways, it was a great day!  Happy Birthday to the best husband around!!

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