Monday, December 10, 2012


I NEED OPINIONS PEOPLE!  Seriously.  I think I want to cut my hair.  Like big time cut.  Like chop.  Here are some ideas for what I am thinking:

I like the bangs of Cameron here:

Yep, Penny from Big Bang Theory (Season 1 hair)

 Loving the volume here:

Liking this length and bangs:

Love this look, but maybe too layer-y for my liking (I'm really lazy when it comes to hair):

Love this curly look and want to learn how to do it!

I'm scared to chop it because long hair is totally the style right now!  But I just never have the time or motivation to blow dry it and THEN curl it or make it cute, so it is always straight and gets way heavy and flat by the end of the day.  Also I'm going to be a teacher and I'm hoping shorter hair may make me look older?  Don't know but I think it's finally time for the "I've been married for a while" haircut.  Time for a change!  I've had the same hair style since like Sophomore year of high school.  Let me know your thoughts pleaseeee!

1 comment:

  1. I have a lot of layers and blow drying takes like four minutes (but my hair is probably thinner than yours) and then if I want to straighten or curl it really doesn't take all that long. I can spend longer and really make them piecy, or I can do it quick and you don't notice them as much. So I say go for lots of layers!
