Monday, February 25, 2013

More Weekend Museum Adventures

  Hey this is Billy.  I'm going to do the posts from now on!  Just kidding.  Caitlin has been super busy lately so I thought I'd post about what's been going on before we forget all the details.  Just to report about the business - Caitlin is doing well teaching her 7th graders.  They tell her that she's the best student teacher they've had and one student made her a homemade Valentine's Day card which was really cute.  It was a girl in one of the classes and she drew a picture of Caitlin after having baked a cake and judges were scoring it.

  Caitlin has stories everyday about funny things the kids do, but she also has her fair share of stories each day of students that act out and cause a lot of trouble.  Poor Cait, 7th grade is such a weird time for kids.  I wasn't weird though.  I was awesome.  That's what all the kids said in their messages to me in my yearbook at the end of the year (probably because only my friends signed my yearbook).

  My internship has been going well.  I enjoy it.  I like all the other interns I work with and the staff is great too.  I've been talking with lots of constituents on the phone, responding to mail that comes to the office, giving tours of the Capitol and meeting all kinds of interesting people.  The Senate has been busy lately with a bunch of hot-button issues like gun laws, budget, hearings for Senator Hagel, immigration reform, drone use, etc.

  So school and the internship keep us pretty busy all during the week so we have to really utilize our weekends to see all the history and gems that the area has to offer.  The weekend after we went to Mt. Vernon we went to a couple museums - the Natural History Museum and the Air and Space Museum.  We first went to the Air and Space Museum and spent maybe 2 1/2 hours there.  It was awesome.  We we in love with the Space portion of the museum, but we didn't take many pictures there.  Here's some pictures from the museum starting with Caitlin next to some airplanes and rockets.

Caitlin laughs really hard when she takes pictures of me because I tend to do a fake smile, or smile too much, or show my double chin, so it takes sometimes up to four tries before we can get a decent picture.

 The Natural History Museum was awesome!  There was so much to see there!  Here are some pictures.

Wolverine - This is the mascot to Caitlin's high school

This is a giant sloth!
This is a painting on a wall we thought was funny
I thought this was a funny angle
More T-Rex
Two whales!  Just kidding, I haven't gained that much weight...
There was an insect and spider exhibit which Caitlin was not too thrilled to see
This is me resting after taking 5,000 years to see everything in the entire museum
Here's the Hope Diamond.  Caitlin likes necklaces and said she wouldn't mind having this one someday

1 comment:

  1. So fun! I like all your airplane pictures! You guys are really getting around town!
