Sunday, March 3, 2013

Valentine's day and Elder Holland

So I am way backtracking here.  Sorry I have gotten so far behind on blogging, I have just been so dang busy!!  The time I used to use to blog I now have to use for school stuff.  I should be doing school stuff right now actually.

Just a few quick current updates.  I have taken over teaching 100% now at school.  I started getting sick this past week and with teaching all day every day, I totally lost my voice!!  My mentor teacher had to take over Thursday and part of Friday for me because I totally could not even talk.  This week we gave a little diagnostic quiz and I had to share this quiz...the answers were pretty funny.  There were lots that were funny.

"Differences within a species are fur"
"The process of certain individuals surviving better and reproducing more than others is strange?"

Haha pretty funny.

Billy's internship has been going well as well.  He has lots of fun and does good work.  I'm always jealous of him!  His job sounds so fun!  

Anyways, so the week of February 11...I can't remember any of it.  Besides Valentine's day.  Billy got up in the middle of the night and decorated our room with construction paper hearts which was so sweet.  I stopped by the store on the way home from school and got Billy a 12 pack of coke (and carried it all the way home...that was definitely part of the gift).  We are so busy these days that we didn't have time to celebrate more than that but it was great anyways.  We ate ice cream and went to bed early :)

That weekend we headed into DC to see the Holocaust museum.  We only had an hour and a half to see the museum which we thought would be enough but it definitely was not enough time.  We started it and then we had tickets to see Elder Holland speak at the House of Representatives so we had to head over there!  We were way excited to get to hear Elder Holland in a small room setting.  It was a great talk!  First we heard his son speak, then Elder Holland spoke about getting a higher education.  It was pretty good.  And it was really fun just seeing him in person so close up.  We weren't able to meet him which was a bummer but that's ok.  

After Elder Holland we stopped by the Capitol building and Billy showed me the old bath tubs that people traveling from far distances used to use to wash off after being on their horses for days.   These bath tubs are down in the basement of the Capitol and its weird because they are in this like mechanic room right next to a modern toilet and stuff its pretty funny.  They aren't blocked off or anything so we just got right in and were pretending to be old time politicians taking baths.

This is me pretending to fall asleep in the tub and then get sick and later die just like a vice president (not sure which one) did one time...

Me and a giant statue of Benjamin Franklin

This is the view out the front of one side of the Capitol

After the Capitol we were invited over to a couple's house in the ward for a Valentine's party.  It was fun and so nice of them to invite us!  This ward we are in is so's great.

And that was our weekend!


  1. Your hair is super cute in these pictures! And you're so lucky to get to see/hear Elder Holland! I had no idea they had bathtubs! Interesting piece of history!

  2. So neat you got to see and hear from Elder Holland! And a personal tour of the, you guys have got it good (besides the working part)!
