Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Snow Day!

Hello!  I am writing this post from the comfort (or semi-comfort) of our bed at 11:30 AM on a Wednesday.  You may be asking yourself "why is she at home at 11:30 AM on a Wednesday?  She should be at school!" Well, well, well let me just tell you that a miracle has happened.  And that miracle is SNOW!  WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!  School got cancelled today because of a snow storm!  Hooray!  I really needed a break.  So this was the best thing ever to happen.

Here is the view out my window currently...

You can't even really tell that it's snowing from that picture.  But trust me, it is.  And its great.  Thank the heavens for this snow!  I was praying so hard that school would be cancelled and let me just tell you...prayers are answered!  Woo!  There is no better feeling then waking up at 5:20 to start getting ready and seeing an email on your phone that school is cancelled then going right back to sleep...ahh it's the best.  Poor Billy still had to work though :(  Today would have been lots more fun if we could have gone and seen a matinee movie or something. 

Also, I was just reading some of our old blog posts from when we first got here and let me just say that I am glad we are not at that point anymore!  I am so much more used to it here now.  And now I am in a routine that is very intense, yes, but at least I am used to it and know what I am doing.  In fact, I think I will be sad to leave here in May.

Also in other news, I have applied for 2 teaching jobs!  They are both in Arizona because my friend Caitlin Allsop hooked me up with some pretty sweet contacts.  I'm just waiting to hear back from them, but we'll see if I end up being a science teacher in Arizona!  I'm also planning on applying for some jobs in San Diego.  I am also researching grad school, but I won't be able to go until later since applications for grad schools are due in March.

Anyways, that's all I have to say.  I'm off to work on school stuff to try and get ahead (say what?!)!

Oh my gosh I just got an email from my mentor teacher with a link to the video we made for class last Friday.  All the 7th grade science teachers (and student teachers) got together and made a really stupid video of us singing/dancing the V-I-S-T-A dance (Variation, Inheritance, Selection, Time, Adaptation) to help the kids remember the steps to how Evolution happens.  We showed it in class and the kids LOVED it.  Thought I'd share it with you guys too even though its super embarrassing.

I'm on the left (obviously), my mentor teacher is in the space suit on the right (she is pregnant and wearing a space funny), and Mindy the other student teacher in my program is on the back right. Ms. D'Antonio is on the back left, Ms. Giron is in the front center and Ms. Rhoads is the one singing. I work with some pretty fun people :)

1 comment:

  1. Yeah for snow days! Hope you didn't have to spend too much time working on getting ahead and enjoy your off time too. Poor Billy, working and not playing with his wifey on a snowday!
