Friday, May 1, 2015

Phoenix Pride Half Marathon

The weekend after Easter was my much anticipated half marathon!  Danielle and I had been training really hard.  We stuck to a training schedule pretty dang close and so I felt really ready for this race.  It was a pretty big disappointment to me, I didn't do very well.  I stuck with Danielle for about 4 miles of the race but then I had to let her go ahead of me.  I was dying pretty much the whole time after that.  It was rough!  But I am glad I did it.  Danielle and I had some good times training together!

There were some interesting characters at the race :)  Starting behind the Tinkerbell

The Human Beings

Danielle and I on our first loop around.  We look like we're dying haha


Danielle the second time around the giant loop
Me one the 2nd loop, I was so tired

Finishing!  I was so done

Awesome medal
My awesome number...#8!
Later that evening we went and saw my school's production of Cinderella.  It was awesome!  It was really fun seeing my students perform and be ushers and everything.  They were so cute.

I felt pretty sick and exhausted from my race so we headed home pretty quick after the performance.  It was a crazy day!

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