Thursday, October 8, 2015

Paddle boarding with Jody & Dieter

When Billy got home from Ethiopia we went paddle boarding with Jody and Dieter.  I can't remember the exact date.  It was so fun!  Jody organized the whole thing and it was so amazing.  Thanks for the awesome time Jody!  We even got charged by some wild horses which was super intense and scary but we survived.  We learned that Ceci will survive any dangerous situation because she DOVE to the ground when the horse leader started running toward the other horses.  Crazy girl!

We got some AMAZING pictures so this is going to be a picture overloaded post.

Horses charging Billy, he didn't have time to take a real picture of them in the water

Horses trying to unite with each other

Look at that sky!!

Jody got some amazing air caught on camera!!


  1. It was awesome going with you guys! Those horses! Scary and awesome!!

  2. So are those like wild horses? Crazy! What a beautiful place! Fun family!
