Monday, September 6, 2010

First Post!

So, we're finally married now, and once you get married you make a married blog, right? So we're just doing whats next on the list for a newly married couple :)

For a little backgroud info...we got engaged on May 8th, 2010 in San Diego.

and here's an engagement picture...compliments of elise lauren photography :)

We got married on August 12, 2010 in the San Diego temple. We actually just got our wedding pictures back TODAY! And we are stoked. Here is a little sampling...

pretty awesome, huh??

Okay, so in order to marry someone, you have to love them and in order to let someone know you love them you tell them so...right? Billy told me he loved me for the first time a year ago today (Labor Day). We went to Thanksgiving point gardens to walk around and enjoy the beautiful flowers. We decided that since that was such a fun day, we wanted to do the exact same thing this year! So this morning, after sleeping in and then a delish breakfast of banana pancakes, eggs and bacon...

(freaking amazing...props to us)

we headed up to Thanksgiving point to enjoy the beautiful flowers and each other! This year, however, we rented SEGWAYS! Instead of just walking. It was seriously so SO fun and definately worth the fortune we had to pay for it! :) Here are some pictures from last year and from this year. We tried to re-enact some of the pictures from last year this year........we're funny.

Last year...

This year....can you tell which ones we tried to re-do?

please notice the little boy in this next picture...

okay this blogging thing is a lot more frustrating than I thought it would be. I'm probably doing it wrong. Anyways, our super fun day ended with a delish dinner from Cafe Rio...same as last year!

we were going to eat at the restaurant because that's always super fun, but it was way crowded so we decided to come home and do this/watch Band of Brothers instead. Which we are watching right now and i'm about to puke because it's showing someone who got shot in the artery and blood is spewing everywhere. Oh man the guy just died. The medic is mad he couldn't save him. Gross. Anyways, it was such a fun day and we are loving being married!

I hope I did this blog legibly enough that it makes sense. Happy Labor Day and happy year anniversary of when Billy said "I love you" to Caitlin! :) Bye.


  1. I'm the first to comment! I knew it was just a matter of time before the married blog rolled out. You are right, it is a natural progression. I am glad you got Segways, those are awesome. Peace out.

  2. Let me be number two to comment. Jon spends way more time on the computer than I do anyway. Nice tradition - I sense something building there. Great photos, nice and quite legible comments Caitlin. Oh, I did notice the chocolate chips in the pancakes. Blame his mother for that. Soon he'll have you making them for him in the shape of Mickey Mouse.

  3. You got segways?!! SO fun!! And your breakfast looks way yummy! The boys will only let me make plain jane pancakes (with smiley faces, of course). What a great day! And what a great thing to celebrate! Can't wait to see more wedding pics on here :).

  4. Welcome to married life! Love the blog! You guys are WAY too cute! Can't wait to see you again when there's time to chat. Jennie and I will be up in the spring to go to Women't Conference, so we'll look forward to taking you guys out for some eating and chatting :)

  5. Love the post and that you guys are married! You're so funny Caitlin! It looks like you guys had a fun day; I didn't know they were called segways, that's funny! That Cafe Rio is looking so good right now! Keep the posts coming!

  6. Loved reading this post :)
    You two are adorable, and your wedding looked beautiful. I loved that you guys recreated that day for Labor Day... so much fun!

  7. That was a post of epic proportions. I've always wanted to ride a segway, so now I'm super jealous.

  8. congrats you two! love the wedding pics, cait you look gorgeous! glad your so happy!

  9. I want to ride a segway too! What I'm wondering is, did Caitlin tell Billy she loved him too??

    (I'm Billy's cousin, btw)

  10. cool. real cool. about time you had a blog.
