Monday, October 18, 2010


I love fall. A lot lot.

It's so beautiful!

So this is going to be a random post with random pictures. And I am excited about it.

It's been a busy week with a bunch of stuff that I can't remember...just a few pictures to piece it together:

Beautiful "fall colored" roses Billy got for me when I was having a bad day:

Billy playing angry birds as usual:

Halloween cookies I decorated when I went to visit Rachel and Camille! :

On Saturday Billy had this little horn of hair on his head that I thought was so cute. So I took a picture! This is in the bowling alley at BYU when we went bowling after work on Saturday:

Pumpkin pancake Billy made for me when we had pancakes on Saturday morning :) (It has a smile made of chocolate chips too. So cute!)

Here is one of the normal pancakes:

Also on Saturday night we went over to the Pingrees and carved pumpkins with the Pingrees (obvi) and Pierce's! It was way fun. Thanks to Hayley for the picture :)

If you can't tell what we carved...its a pumpkin ON a pumpkin! So clever, we know.

ALSO we have a mouse in our apartment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's the worst. There are little poops everywhere and we hear little scurries every once in a while. This is Billy making his state-of-the-art mouse trap.

It wasn't successful... :(

A delicious meal we made on Sunday! Some chicken/salsa contraption:

It was superb.

and this is what this previous week did to me:

We played raquetball on Thursday and I was so tuckered out from a long day/week that my Geology homework was obviously not getting done.

Some other things of note that have happened recently:

-I took my Botany final today!!!!!!!! FIELD BOTANY IS OVER! Yay!

-I made lots of pumpkin treats this week. It was very fun and I love pumpkin things.

-My mom sent us an awesome package the other day with so many fun Halloween things! We are getting so excited for Halloween!

-We've almost finished our thank-you notes for our wedding finally! (We ran out of stamps though...)

-uh I dissected a squid in Biology last week? Is that something worth noting?

-I can't really think of anything else cool that has happened. Billy has done a lot of cool stuff this week too. Like going to work everyday and working on lots of homework. Its so fun......but really he is actually really enjoying his classes.

Anyways, I think thats it. Sorry this is so long! Hope you enjoy the pics. Bye.


  1. You guys are so cute! Those roses are so pretty and those cookies are making me drool! I want some!

  2. Dad is NOT okay with the mouse in your apartment. He wants to come up there and be the exterminator! I am surprised he hasn't posted yet (he's just super busy!). I hope you got some traps. You'll probably catch several. Yuck!

    But, fun stuff goin on up there! I LOVE all your blog posts and pictures! Thanks for keeping us up to date!

  3. Ughhh i hate mice! They are the worst! I’d get some good traps so you don't have to keep using things around the house :). Victor makes one that completely seals the mouse. You don’t see it and you don’t have to touch it. It also keeps the nasty diseases and parasites inside the trap, so they don’t spread.

  4. adorable blog! love your posts, they make me smile.
    ew sorry about the mouse. no good. try a trap with a little peanut butter on the end. that usually works.
    have a great weekend!

  5. Dude. Why haven't you called us about the mouse? My dad can get that for you guys!!
