Sunday, February 27, 2011


Last weekend me and Billy decided to take a spontaneous trip to San Diego! We talked to my mom about it and she said that the boys have been wanting to go to maybe we could all go on Saturday! And we thought that was the best idea EVER. So we drove down on Friday and spent the night at Billy's sister Jenny's house that night. They just moved into a new house and it was awesome! And we always LOVE seeing Sierra and Whitney, of course.

Whitney is the cutest ever. Jenny said she doesn't like being held by anyone besides her but she laid her head down on my shoulder and was holding my hand! SO sweet! I wish I took more pictures of her...she was seriously being SO CUTE.

Ok so then Saturday we met up with my family in the morning and headed over to Disneyland! It was SUCH a fun day! Minus when it started to pour rain. But we made the best of it :)

Heading over to the park on the bus...

Jungle cruise...
Big Thunder!
The ferris wheel...we rode the swinging ones. It was so scary.
Parents in front the the castle :)
And us!
California Screamin!Here are all our pictures taken on rides. They are HILARIOUS.
Ok so this one is when we decided to ride California Screamin for the 3rd time and right when we got on it started POURING rain! So the whole time we had our hoods up and our heads down because the water droplets felt like bullets! But Billy was strong enough to lift his head up for the pic! What a champ! It may look like he's riding this alone...but nope i'm next to him and Jayce and Cody are in the front. Haha!
So after that ride...we were all pretty soaked. It was kind of miserable after that, but not miserable enough to leave! NO WAY. So we pulled on the ponchos and had some more fun. It was great, but all of our socks and shoes were drenched and therefore we were very cold. But it was worth it. We got some delish hot chocolate which made it better.
Haha at this point Jayce was over it. He had to leave early because he was so cold.It was such a fun day and fortunately we got 2-day passes so we get to go back sometime before May 14th! YAY! Let me just say that my parents are the BEST for everything they do. I'm so grateful they love us so much and wanted to have a family-fun weekend!

So on Sunday we went out to Lancaster for Kellie's missionary farewell. She did awesome, I'm so excited for her. Then we went back to SD and just hung out for the rest of the day. On Monday we had a slow morning and got started kind of late on our drive back, and got stuck in horrible traffic! We didn't get back until like 1 am. Pretty miserable but that's ok! It was all worth it! I love my family! (And Billy's family too :) )


  1. Loved it, loved it, loved it. Even though I had seen most of the pictures before, I loved reading your perspective. Plus you had some pictures I hadn't seen from the cameras on the rides.
    Did you ever get the pictures off of Billy's phone?

  2. How FUN! Not only Disneyawesomeland, but you got to see our favorite girlies! That picture of you and Whitney is so so cute! What a doll! I'm jealous they got to hang out with you guys for a bit, I'll keep my fingers crossed we see you two soon! Miss ya!
