Tuesday, December 13, 2011


I TURNED IN MY BUG COLLECTION ON THURSDAY!!!!!!!!!  I can't believe I am finally done with that collection!  It was so so so so so sosososososososososoosoo much work and I am finally done!  YAY!  It felt so good to turn it in :)  Here it is all finished:

Whole collection

Box #1

 Box #2

Box #3


Isn't it beautiful??  And today I took my Lab final!  We had to identify 100 different bugs.  It was way hard but now I just have the lecture final and then I will be done with that class FOREVER!  Crazy, huh?  I can't believe I made it through.

Speaking of my bug class, Saturday night my professor had a party at his house for all of us!  Isn't that weird?  It was way fun!  We all had to bring an insect-themed treat, so I made these cupcakes!

super cute, right?

My teacher had been bug collecting earlier in the day and so of course he brought in the tub of bugs to show us.  Typical scene for my class:  all of us crouched over a tub full of insects and Dr. Nelson standing over us telling us what everything is.  Just thought you would want to see a picture of my crazy professor :)

We made bug ornaments at his house out of salt dough!  It was way fun!  I made Thysanura (silverfish), Formicidae (an ant) and a whip scorpion, which I don't know the scientific name for since it's not an insect :)

So here is what our tree now looks like with all our fun ornaments on it!  There are some new ones that my mom sent me in a package (yay!), those candy canes Jayce made last year and I think they are so cute!  and Billy made that star out of construction paper for the top :)

YAY for bug class being almost over!  Except I'm secretly going to really miss it....

1 comment:

  1. I have so many comments...First of all, Jayce will feel so honored you still have his candy cane ornaments. And your bug collection is awesome!!! I was looking closely but bracing myself to pull back if I ever spotted a cockroach, which I didn't (that I could tell) much to my relief. And I think your teacher is the real deal...really loves his subject and helps you love it! Probably even better than Mr. Rankin!
