Sunday, December 11, 2011


I need to post about Thanksgiving before Christmas happens!  So Thanksgiving this year was awesome.  Well, it was kind of stressful in the beginning because my family was supposed to come up here, but then decided not to, so we were trying to decide what to do and so we decided to drive to AZ to be with Billy's family.  But then I took the car to get an oil change and the guy said the CV boots are torn (I think that's the correct terminology).  So then I asked him if it would be safe to go on a road trip and he said "well it could break down in a year, a month, tomorrow, 10 years, who knows!" which was extremely unhelpful so we were scared to drive our car (as you all know we have had really bad luck with cars breaking down....) soooo we decided to get a rental car!  It was pretty cheap (luckily Billy is 25!) and it would be worth the peace of mind.  So we decided to rent a car and everything on Wednesday morning.

We were supposed to leave at like 7 AM but then all the Sutherland cousins wanted to go out to breakfast (Greg was in town!) so they were all so awesome and got up to meet at 7 so we could all have breakfast together before we left!  That was way fun.  Then we got the rental and went on our way.

The drive was very pleasant except for when we got stuck in traffic a few times and the rental car started acting all weird going slow!  It got overheated a few times so we would pull over and just let it cool off until we could get going again.  It was really scary and WHY OH WHY do we have such bad luck with cars????!!  It makes me really mad.  Billy's dad told us we should just buy a Rolls Royce because they hand make every single engine so it will never break down.  Not a bad investment I'd say.

Anyways, we made it to AZ Wednesday night!  And it was so fun being there!!  Thursday morning Billy went on a run with me because in my family we always go running on Thanksgiving morning.  Billy was so sweet to go with me because he is currently very out of shape but wanted my Thanksgiving tradition to continue so he suffered through it for me :) Thanksgiving day was great.  I got to know Billy's family a lot better and it was great to spend some time with everyone.  Jon, Kara and Scarlett came over too!  Scarlett is SUCH A CUTIE!!  She was so so fun to play with.

Ok sorry this is a lot of words and no pictures so far.  Jenny and Jason got in on Thursday night I believe and then we had fun Sierra and Whitney to play with too!  I think they are actually the only ones I got pictures of....haha sorry!  And even though my mom reminded me to bring my camera...I forgot it :(  Here's some pics of the cutie girlies:

Playing in the pool.  Whitney kept trying to get in the yucky water.  It was pretty funny.


Oh yeah we brought my bug catching stuff to catch some last minute bugs :)  Sierra and Whitney loved helping!

Too cute

Tickle action shot

Scarlett and Whitney in their favorite place to play- the pantry

I had to document this moment.  Scarlett was being so so sweet and just sitting so happily on my lap!  She kept getting scared because we were playing with dominoes and when we would knock some over she would crawl all quickly up onto my lap and it was the sweetest thing ever!!  She is such a cutie.  Oh Kara put on a big birthday party for her since she turned 1 and that was one of the main reasons why we went to AZ!  It was on Saturday and it was a blast.  I didn't get any pictures :(  But I borrowed some from Billy's dad's facebook and Kara's facebook. Scarlett looked so so cute and it was such a cute party!   Happy Birthday Scarlett! 

What a cheese face!  You should hear her grunting.  It's so funny.

She didn't really know what to do with the cake...

We had so much fun in AZ hanging out with everyone.  I wish we could have been there longer but we will be there again for Christmas in like a little over a week!  I can't wait!!

So on the drive home we had a few more scares with the car overheating, and we got lost once, but we eventually made it home safe.  Also the sky was so so gorgeous on the drive!

Once we got home I remembered I had an assignment to do and Billy tried to do homework too but conked out like this...

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