Sunday, July 8, 2012

July so far...

After getting home from girls weekend, I was pretty dang sick and Billy kind of caught what I had, so we just sat around a lot watching lots of movies :)  I love summertime!  But being sick sucks. 

On the 4th of July we got up early and got ready and headed down to University for the parade!  Lauren and Dan met us there and we had a good time watching that.  Then we got some slurpees and walked down to center street to check out all the booths down there.  It was crazy crowded!  But we got some free ice cream woo woo!  After feeling like we were getting heat stroke, we walked back to our house and got some water and chatted for a bit.  Then we headed to their house for BBQing some hot dogs!  It's not the 4th of July without a BBQ!  We had to go pick up Cody from the airport, who flew in to go to a pole vaulting camp starting Thursday. 

That night we went over to John and Barbara's for another BBQ and fireworks!  Woo!  We love that tradition.  Johnny was being super funny and wanted to play ninjas:

Of course the food was exquisite over at their house.  Once it got dark, we lit off fireworks!  Johnny was being so cute and was so excited to clean up the trash after each firework was done haha.

We attempted to take some pictures, but its tough at night with a phone camera to get good quality shots.  These are the best we got.  I think the first one is super cute, the others...not so much.

The other spectators...

We're really attractive

It's been way fun having Cody here!  I went and watched him pole vault one day, which was super coolio. 

Cody is magically so good at pole vaulting.  It's pretty fun.  We've also gone and seen the new spiderman movie, watched lots of movies at home, gone out to eat, went bowling with Hayley, Dan, Geoff and Niki, among other fun activities.  It's been fun.  But tomorrow I go home to San Diego!!  Cody was supposed to come with me, but his coach offered to coach him alone 2 more days for free, so he's staying until Wednesday and I'm flying tomorrow.  Which means I better start packing!  At 11:09 PM!  Sheesh.

1 comment:

  1. Bummer you guys got sick. Scarlett got Madds and Ceci sick and got sick again last week. Blah. But looks like it didn't stop you guys from having more good times this summer. It was so fun seeing you guys before we moved.
