Monday, August 13, 2012

2 Years!

Me and Billy have been married for 2 whole years!  Can you believe it?  Time sure does fly.  Year 2 was so fun!  For our anniversary, we took a trip down to St. George to hike the Narrows.  I loved the hike so much when I did it in June that I really wanted to take Billy back!  So we drove down to St. George on Friday afternoon!

Our car's AC wasn't working very well on our way down and we were freaking out that we would have a repeat of last anniversary because that's how our car breakdown started last year- with the AC going out.  But no worries!  It didn't break down.  It still makes a noise like a helicopter though so we have to take it back to the shop again (kill me).

Once we got to our hotel, we decided we wanted to go eat at Claim Jumper since Provo doesn't have one of those!  So we drove there and were very perplexed because it was super ghetto and weird and not like a normal claim jumper.  We ate there anyways.  The waitress talked me into getting a HUGE piece of chocolate cake for dessert.  I thought that we should splurge since it was our anniversary weekend and because I love cake.  It was SO BIG and mostly frosting so kind of gross...

Saturday morning we got up and ate complimentary hotel breakfast (yum) and then headed to Zion!  We passed by Cross Creek (Dallin's school he went to in High School) which was weird/fun to show Billy.  Hiking the narrows was great!  It was pretty crowded and there were tons of foreigners but it was way fun!

We were brave and asked a french man to take this pic for us haha

When we stopped to eat lunch we took a few weird pictures...I apologize for looking gross in these

I was trying to do the thizz face in this one but apparently no one knows what that is anymore soooo...


This is what you hike in...

It was soooo fun!  I'm glad we got out and did something adventurous.  And I am happy to announce that there were no broken bones this anniversary!  Yay!

After we got back to the hotel, we showered and then went out to eat Thai food!  Not usually my first pick, but I went there back in June and loved it so we went again.  It was way yummy!  Sorry, I wish we brought an actual camera instead of a phone camera so these pictures would be better!

They gave us free dessert for our anniversary!  Woo!

Sunday we had to head back home :(  We checked out at the last possible moment and then headed over to the St. George temple to take a quick look and some pictures.


Oh and one other thing we loved is how friendly everyone is in St. George!  Everyone thinks that people in Provo are friendly, but they aren't.  People in St. George are super friendly though!  We went to the grocery store one night to get milk to have with our cake and our checker lady, after printing our receipt, stamped it with her own personalized little stamp:

And she smiled all big at was so cute and nice.  We were laughing pretty hard about it.  Anyways, it was a great trip!  Happy 2 year anniversary to us!

I guess I want to just gush a little bit about being married before I end this post.  Being married was hard for me for the first little while, and I never thought it would get better.  But now when I think about being married it makes me so happy!  I had a turning point somewhere along the way, and have felt so happy and blessed in my marriage since then.  Billy is such a great man!  I made such a good choice!  Sometimes I wonder how I got so lucky.  A small example of how he is so awesome: last night we were watching TV and he fell asleep on the couch.  I got all ready for bed and everything, and usually when he falls asleep on the couch I just wake him up and say I'm going to bed and he'll come to bed eventually.  But last night I needed him to get up to kill a monster fly that was flying around our house.  He was dead asleep, but after I woke him he got right up and could have been annoyed at me, but he went hunting around the apartment for the fly.  It was so nice because he was so tired but he knew I wanted that fly dead so he tried his best to find it.  He didn't find it but it was so sweet!  Ok that sounds kind of dumb when I type it out but I just kept thinking about how nice it was that he was willing to do that for me and not be grumpy and fall back asleep.  Anyways, he is great and I'm so happy we're married!!!!!


  1. Happy Anniversary!! I loved the pictures of the hike. It's so pretty there! I've never hike in Zion and I'd love to do it. I'm also grateful you married Billy. He is a great man and so good to you!

  2. I really like your post Caitlin! I don't think I have hiked the narrows either. One of these days.
    Thanks for all the working choices you make.
