Sunday, August 19, 2012

3 weeks in San Diego!

In July I went to San Diego for a few weeks to hang out with the family and with my cousin Jessica and her two little girlies who were coming into town!  It was soooooooo fun.  The only sad part was that I left Billy all alone in Utah.  It was really hard being apart...but we made it! Jessica would probably laugh at that :)

The first week was a blast.  I got to be there for my bff Alisha's amazing wedding!  So I got to see all my PQ girlies!  It was a blast.  I also got to spend tons of quality time with my mom of course :) and with my whole fam which was awesome.

Beautiful Lisha on her wedding day...

All the girlies (and little Xander) at Laura's bridal shower :)

Me and my mom did lots of shopping!  At Nordstrom, Costco, and Target...our 3 favorite places in the world.  And we did lots of chatting and exercising...all of our favorite things.  It was so fun!

Then after I had been there for about a week, Jessica flew in with her girls!  At first they did NOT want to be there haha but they adjusted well and we all had a blast!  We did so many fun things...this is going to be picture overload.  I actually might have to break this post up into several.  And I think I will actually.  I can't remember a lot of what we did, but good thing Jessica is such a diligent blogger!  So lots of these pictures are hers!

Monday night we got a babysitter for the girls and we all went to the Padre game!  We had awesome seats!

Look how cute this picture is!  Besides Cody...yikes

Me and Jessica drove down to the beach one night to see the sunset.  It was gorgeous on the drive down but we barely missed it once we got to the beach!  By seriously like half a second!  But it was still gorgeous.

We love the beach!

One day we drove down to the Old Point Loma Lightouse which was beautiful!  It was so fun to see the sights in San Diego with our Texan visitors!

Look at these beautiful girls!!  Love them!

Here's a picture of a regular occurrence caught on camera...Maggie falling down some stairs and me and my mom freaking out...hahaha

What a cutie!  Climbing the stairs to the top of the lighthouse!

 Maggie is the CUTEST!  I just want to eat her up 24/7!
 Jessica is such a good mom :)

So much fun!

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