Friday, October 5, 2012


Last night a couple in our ward asked us to babysit for them so they could go on a date.  We were so excited!  Their little baby girl is like 10 months old-ish I think and she is so funny.  And adorable.

She was very skeptical of Billy at first...always keeping an eye on him and not letting him touch her.  She just laid on me for a long time watching her baby sign language movie and glancing at Billy.  It was very sweet (for me).  Then she started realizing how fun Billy is.  She started playing with him and laughing at everything he was doing.  He is really good with kids that way :)

We had to feed her dinner which was a little traumatic, but not too bad :)  Then we played forever and then had to change her, feed her a bottle, and get her in bed.  Everything went pretty smoothly!  I'd say we are going to be good parents someday :)

She was also doing so much sign language and so much babbly talking.  It was sooooooooo funny!  I got a video of her talking because it was just so cute and funny.  Her sign language skills are also very impressive!  We were able to tell what she wanted and it was very helpful!  Anyways, that's it.  Just wanted to blog about that because it was fun!


  1. Okay now I want you to babysit Olivia, because you guys look like such good babysitters!!

    1. We would LOVE to babysit Olivia!!! We love babysitting :)
