Friday, October 5, 2012


So last week was a little bit of a sad one.  My Great Grandma, Ruby Kelly, passed away.  However, it is not too sad because she was 100 years old and had been apart from her husband for many years.  So it was very happy because now she is with him!  I feel so lucky that I had a Great Grandma and that I still have all of my Grandparents here on Earth with me.

So Saturday was her funeral, up in Lehi.  I went with Steven, Katie, Niki, and baby Kelly because Billy had to work :(.  Travis and Cami met up with us too up there.  It was a great funeral and very fun to be there and reconnect with a lot of the Kelly family.  I feel like a pro at funerals now, because I went to two of them two weekends in a row.

Later in the evening was Women's Conference, so me, Katie and Niki went together.  It was a great conference.  After we went out to the Awful Waffle for some crepes and waffles!  Yum!

Then that night we headed up to Thanksgiving Point to a place called Cornbelly's that has all these fun fall/Halloween activities!  We met up with Travis and Cami it was such a blast hanging out with them.  They are so fun.

We did a super long corn maze which got a little frustrating because we kept going in circles!  It took us about 45 minutes or so to get through it...but that's what made it so fun!  Oh and just FYI...most of the pictures I am going to post are super blurry.  So I'm sorry, but I still like them :)

Walking through the maze...

WE MADE IT!  FINALLY! (super blurry!  ugh!)

Me and Billy and our small child Travis...hahahaha

There was a Christmas tree of jack-o-lanterns

We went through this super scary inflatable creature which we all thought wasn't going to be that scary but OMG IT WAS SO SCARY!  Hahaha I was screaming like crazy and holding both Cami and Billy's hands so tight.  It was actually pretty funny how scary it was.  There were all these scary things that pop out at you and a strobe light and stuff.

After that we needed to calm down so we headed over here...

Hahaha Pumpkin Princess Playland.  So funny.

They had an awesome huge chair to sit on and an awesome big slide to race down...
 Cami def won.

Billy beat me that time.  It looks like we have no legs!  We do though.  Don't be fooled.  And it also looks like we are demons.  We aren't though.

They also had a big jumpy thingy that adults could go on!!!!!!!  These pictures are really blurry but that shows how fun it was!  I was loving it.  Cami biffing it...

Yeah you really can't see anything in those pictures...sorry!

Anyways, it was so fun and so worth what it cost to get in!  Thanks Travis and Cami for coming with us.  You guys are awesome.  If only you went to real BYU instead of BYU-Idaho!  Haha jk :)

1 comment:

  1. Adam and I have gone every year, including the month before we started dating! It was an FHE activity and we ended up hanging out the whole time. Yeah, we love that place.
