Monday, October 29, 2012


Billy was being really nice to me today.  Saying really nice things and stuff.  He said he is feeling really sentimental today and he doesn't really know why.  I'm okay with it though.  I just wanted to write down one thing he said so I don't forget...and I didn't know where to write it so I am putting it here ha.

We have been trying to work out our Halloween costumes for a while now.  We don't want to buy anything but we suck at making stuff.  We went to Michael's today to get some feathers so I can be an indian, Pocahontas specifically.  We randomly saw a crown there and Billy was like "I could be a King and just wear this styrofoam crown" and I was like "yeah and I could be a Princess!" and he was like "yeah but you wouldn't need to dress up for that".  Can I get an AWWW!!  So sweet.  A lot of the stuff he was telling me today was pretty sappy, so I'll just leave you with that one haha :)

P.s. Something freaky happened to me today.  I was putting on mascara when all of a eyelash (with full mascara on it mind you) went onto my eyeball!!!!!  It stung like crazy and I was trying to get it out then started blinking like a madman and went BEHIND MY EYE!  Not sure what happened to it but if my eye falls out soon...well now you know why.

P.p.s. I am SO SORE today from my half marathon on Saturday.  I will hopefully blog about it tomorrow but I was like a blind grandma today with my eyelash eye and not working legs.  Pretty funny sight to be seen.  Good thing Billy was being so nice so I didn't feel like a total freakazoid.

1 comment:

  1. hahahahaha! Thanks to Billy for loving you even if you were an old lady for a day! (Did the eyelash every show up?)
