First, let me just say that it is 11:57 PM and we are both still up. We love staying up late...neither of us know why. We hate going to sleep. So that is why I am blogging right now. Once we are finally all ready for bed and in bed it feels soo good...its just so hard to get there.
Anyways, today Billy was so awesome. I thought I would share with the world. I had tons to do today homework-wise sooo...
First, I get home from school and he makes me lunch (burritos with mozzarella cheese by accident...whoops. They were still so good).
Next, he is amazing and goes to the gym. I love it when he goes to the gym because he gets all pumped up-- literally and pumped about exercising. Haha
Then, he comes home and DOES MY HOMEWORK! What a guy, am I right?! He read this super long article I had to read for my history & philosophy of Biology class and then just summarized it for me. That's how all philosophy articles can summarize the whole idea in like 2 sentences. Needless to say, that was amazing.
Then, he goes to the store to get bread so we can have PB&J sandwiches at school/work tomorrow and on the way home gets us both some slurpees!!! Yum yum.
THEN, he came home and made me some dinner (At like 10:30...we had lunch at 4). Well, he made it mostly for himself but I asked if he would share and he shared a lot with me! He is so nice. I'm such a moocher.
Now, we are both just sitting here still awake.
Billy is so awesome for so many reasons. He has been great to me while I have had tons of school stuff to do and he has a little more free time. It is great to have his help and love and support!! Whoop whoop!
Also, I had a dream last night that I was pregnant and then birthed a baby girl. Then a week later I birthed another baby girl. The deliveries were so easy and I was immediately skinny after and I kept saying "why was I so scared I was going to get so fat? I should have gotten pregnant a long time ago! That was way easier than I thought!" and other things like that. Super weird? Yes.
ALSO IT'S OCTOBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!! October starts the very funnest months of the year!!!
Have a baby! Have a baby!! Okay I'm done.