Sunday, January 27, 2013

Things that are different here

I wanted to make a list of things me and Billy have decided are very different about here compared to other places:

1.  Diversity.  Need I say more?  There are so many different kinds of people here.  I had culture shock really bad when we were first here, but now not so much.  I realized that people are just people living their lives like I am living mine...not everyone is out to attack me at every turn :)

2.  Lots of people smoke here.  Don't they know it's bad for you?  C'mon!

3.  My hair is gross here.

4.  My skin is more clear here which is nice!

5.  There are squirrels EVERYWHERE!  Not only that...there are BLACK squirrels!!!  WHAT?!?!  I have never seen them before in my life.

6.  Cats can be funny, but also creepy when they stick their paws under a door when you are trying to get ready.  That's more of just an FYI.

7.  People are SO nice here!  The other day we were trying to find our way to a restaurant when this guy just looked at us and knew we were lost and said "do you need help getting somewhere?"  And then he pointed us in the right direction which was so nice!  Also, my metro card ran out of money the other day and I had forgotten my wallet so I was stuck and the guy at the metro booth put $3 on my card for me!  So nice!

8.  There are lots of trees here.  Like forest trees everywhere.

9.  It's super cold here.

10.  There is so much history here!  I feel proud to be an American everyday which is fun!

That's all we can think of for now...change can be tough but also fun am I right?

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