Monday, May 20, 2013

My Birthday!

Well, it has been a while since I've blogged!  I have a bunch to catch up on.  I guess I will start with my of our last fun days experiencing DC!

I kept telling Billy that it was totally my ideal day.  He took off work that day which was so great!  So glad he was able to do that.  He surprised me with a fun newsletter in the morning, summarizing everything I had done in the last year, with a sweet note from him and a bunch of nice things people I know said about me.  It was so sweet!

We then went out to breakfast.  We wanted to go to Market Lunch one last time but it is closed on Mondays!  How terrible is that?  So we just went to IHOP...which sounds like a very much second choice, but it was delicious.

Then we rode the metro and some buses to get down to Georgetown to go shopping!  There are tons of fun shops down there.  Billy spoiled me.  It was the best.  Billy is actually really great at shopping now!  He helps me pick things out, and he doesn't get tired very easily which is great!  After shopping for a while we hit up Baked and Wired again for some cupcakes...YUM!!  (like I said, my ideal day!!)

Before...these cupcakes are huge!  And sooooooooooooooooo good (sorry about the blurriness, I took these pics with my phone)

After!  Yup I downed that whole thing.  I don't mess around when it comes to cupcakes.

Then we headed back home to change before going to a Nationals baseball game!!  How fun is that?!

It was FREEZING cold...especially up in the nosebleeds :)

I wanted baseball hotdogs for dinner...yummm

After the game we headed home!  What a fun day!  Also my Mom sent me these BEAUTIFUL cupcakes!!  They were delicious too!  Thanks Mom!!

It was a great birthday!  Bring on 23!!  p.s. Billy's birthday is this Thursday!  Crazy!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Late Birthday cupcake girl! Looks like a pretty fun day! Good job Billy!
