Sunday, January 29, 2017

Thanksgiving in San Diego

So November was a blah month.  I just remember being SO over the routine of life and so ready for Thanksgiving to come so we could mix it up a bit.  In November the election happened, which was big, and Trump won.  That's really the only thing worth noting from November.  Just working and being lazy on the weekends.

For Thanksgiving this year we drove out to San Diego super early on Wednesday the 23rd.  Once we got into town I went for an exercise walk with my mom and Cody.  The rest of the day was spent food prepping for Thanksgiving the next day.  We watched Finding Dory in the evening which was super cute.

Thursday we started the morning with our annual Turkey Trot!  we did almost 4 miles and it was great to be out there as a fam.  Mom made waffles for everyone once we got back.  She's the best!  We got food prepped and then Grandma and Grandpa Sutherland came over so we got to visit with them for awhile.  Dinner was amazing as usual and we had a fun evening eating, chatting, playing the game Pie Face, eating pie, and playing other games.  Awesome Thanksgiving this year!

Ready to trot!

Oh yeah we all got to ride on my Dad's motorcycle!

Grandma even got on to take a funny picture for their Christmas card...what a good sport!

Food preppin

Table all set and ready to eat!

Dad is ready to greet the whipped cream

The pies of the evening...yum!

Cody took a piece that was a liiiiiiiiiittle too big for him.  He never wants to eat pumpkin pie again haha

Friday after Thanksgiving we all went to Torrey Pines to do a hike.  It was awesome!  I'd actually never done that hike before, which made me super sad because it was beautiful!!  Jayce was super grumpy and causing problems as usual but other than that it was a perfectly lovely hike.  Afterwards we got donuts for breakfast and then decorated the house for Christmas!  In the evening we went to a clean comedy club downtown for a show that was super fun!  Cody even volunteered and got up on stage!  What a good sport.  It was a good time for sure!

Umm beautiful

Driving to the hike...obviously someone in front was a little grumpy

Not sure why this pic is blurry

And this one

All of the pictures my mom sent me are blurry.  Boo.  I will have to go in and fix them once I figure out how.  Anyways, Saturday Derek and Mariah left in the morning to head back to Idaho.  My dad took them to the train station to head up to LAX.  My mom and I ran from home to the church building to help with their church cleaning assignment.  Afterwards mom made a yummy breakfast and we had a pretty chill day after that, watching football and stuff.  We watched a good movie that night called Mr. Church, then watched Charlotte's Web after that to laugh at all the funny parts but it was pretty long and boring and only funny sometimes haha.  Sunday we went to Sacrament meeting then left to head back to AZ.  Such a fun and much needed trip!

Oh also, it must be remembered that I made these mini apple pies for my young women the Sunday before Thanksgiving for their treat.  They took me 7 hours to make, but they turned out sooo cute and I loved them.

Another awesome Thanksgiving!  Thanks family!

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