Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween and stuff

First of all let me just say that it is such a beautiful day in Provo today! I love it when its pretty!

This was a really good week. Well, I can't really remember a lot of it, but I do remember that me and Billy went for a run on Thursday after class and work, and it was wonderful. The sky was SO beautiful as the sun was setting, it looked like it was on fire! I tried to take a really good mental picture as I was running because it was seriously the most beautiful sky i've ever seen. I couldn't even find a picture on google images that was CLOSE to how pretty it was. It was something like this:
only way better. Okay sorry I'm blabbing about it, but it was breathtaking, which was kind of terrible while I was running. Haha thats a joke.

Anyways, we had a really fun weekend this past weekend! I love Halloween and this weekend was everything I'd hoped Halloween would be! On Friday we got invited to go to the Haunted Forest with Caitlin and Clayton Allsop, (Caitlin is one of my dear dear friends from Freshman year) and two other couples that they knew. Sorry we didn't bring our camera, so I don't have any pics, so you'll just have to trust me that it was fun. One of the girls who came with us got terribly scared and we thought we might have to ask someone to let us out of the forest! But she survived, and we made it through the whole thing. It was funny. We went to The Chocolate afterwards, its this little quaint dessert place that had the most delicious chocolate cake! It was a fun night.

Saturday was a busy day. Billy had to work from 2-8, and I didn't have work that day, which meant we didn't start the day until around 1 :) While Billy was at work, I got a ton of things done but ran out of time while trying to make my cute "witch" cupcakes for a Halloween party we got invited to that night! The cupcakes took like 5 mins EACH to make, so I gave up on that idea pretty fast and just started making them into Frankensteins :)

I am very proud of how cute they turned out :)

After I picked up Billy from work, we got all dressed in our Batman and Robin costumes (that we borrowed from Jon and Andrea who MADE them last year! The costumes were so fun- thanks guys!) and headed over to the party!

Oh, that morning Billy had spent a few HOURS trying to construct a batman mask for his costume. He was never successful. :( On our way to the party!...

sweet costumes, right?!?
Billy had to stick his face in the flour to get the Hot Tamale that fell :)The guys had to spin around 10 times before going for the donut.

We had to spin too.I didn't win. And I was upset about it. I tried really hard.

After the party, Jen and Brandon invited us over to watch Harry Potter (the 2nd one). Keep in mind the party was over at like 11:15. So we got the movie started pretty late, but we were okay with that because it's Halloween! You're supposed to do extra fun stuff on holidays and stuff. So the movie got over pretty late and both me and Bill were pretty loopy and it was hilarious to say the least. It was a super good day :)

Sunday, on actual Halloween, we didn't do anything too special besides watch The Illusionist, which we thought was appropriate for Halloween, and I made some chili and cornbread! Thats what my mom always makes on Halloween.That may look like a ton of sour cream on the chili...and it is.

I also attempted to make "Gooey Pumpkin Butterscotch Brownies" from Picky Palate, which looked absolutely delightful. Let's just say mine didn't turn out how they were supposed to turn out...

Yeah not so good. They were supposed to look like this:

But yeah mine didn't turn out like that. They didn't taste good either. It was bad. But that's okay! We ate Frankensteins instead!

Well, that was our weekend! Hope you had a great one too!


  1. Well, you guys sure topped our weekend, that's for sure. Thanks for sharing Caitlin. You guys looked great in your costumes.

  2. HAHA! Caitlin you crack me up! I love reading your blog! It reminds me of those college newlywed days Tyler and I had. Seriously, some of the best times of my life. There was time there where Tyler and I ran around campus almost everyday for a semester. I twas like our date time. I loved it, and remember some beautiful Texas skies. Well, enough of my blabbing! haha I'm glad ya'll are having a blast. Did you ever think being married could be so much fun? ;) Love ya girl! BTW- you were one hot robin! whew whew! :) And I love the Frankensteins and witches! way awesome.

  3. your costumes were so legit! also, last time i tried to make something from picky palate i ruined it too. her recipes are really good but sometimes they are just plain hard! annnnnddddd your cupcakes were so gooooood!

  4. I could say alot of things...okay I just will. I loved your costumes! And I've always wanted to play that game where you eat a donut off a string, but i wouldn't want to spin :). And all your food looks super delish! The chili and cornbread looked yummy, and your cupcakes were the cutest I've ever seen! I've never seen them done into frankensteins. And congrats on trying a new recipe even if it didn't turn out :). Love you!

  5. I LOVE Picky Palate! But looks don't matter nearly as much as how it tastes :)
