Thursday, October 23, 2014

Coffee Table

  Caitlin and I bought a coffee table from Goodwill for $15 with the plan to fix it up and paint it.  Sounds easy enough right?  Well... Now that I know how to do it, it would be easy, but I didn't really know what I was doing, so it took forever and I had to repeat a bunch of steps.  When we bought it, it was all gross looking and the finish looked all bubbly and cracking and the table was very wobbly, so I had to strip off the old finish, sand everything down, prime, and paint.  Yet again, this isn't a very exciting post, but since it took so long to complete, we felt it deserved a blog post.  Here's some pictures -


I actually finished the legs and sides pretty quick. But we were topless for a long time and had to use a Home Depot box as a coffee table in the middle of our actual coffee table.  Way ghetto, I know...
Caitlin sneakily took pictures of me working on the table.  Here I'm stripping off the old gross finish.

Here's what it looks like in the room
This may have been our first DIY project.  In fact, I'm sure it was.  We think it turned out to be a pretty good-looking table.  I'm excited for when I graduate and start making tons of money and have a garage where I can put my tools and work on other projects that will be fun and not a nightmare like this coffee table. 


  1. I don't think this is a boring post! I think it turned out great!!!! I love a good before and after ;)

  2. It looks great! And your post is inspiring me to consider painting a couple of my tables.... Maybe you could help :)
