Sunday, April 14, 2013


So my family left on Saturday the 30th, and I flew out to Arizona on Sunday the 31st for a job interview!  My dear friend Caitlin works for a charter school in Arizona and had been telling her boss all about me, and he wanted to fly me out for an interview.  How cool is that?!  I felt so so lucky to have this opportunity!  I flew out on Sunday and got to spend the night at Billy's parent's house with Jody and the girls there too!  So fun!  I had a blast.  Jody took some really fun pictures that I am going to steal.  I felt super lucky that Ceci liked me this trip!!  Very exciting!!!

I got there on Easter so I got to have delicious Easter dinner and then some "chicky cake" that Maddison was very excited about!  (They also had vanilla Coke...yummm my favorite!!)

I played with blocks with the girlies a bit too.

Monday was my interview!  It was about an hour drive away and Jody was so kind and let me use her car to get there.  I was nervous about getting there and I had no idea what the interview would look like so I was a little freaked out.  I got in the (super duper small) school, met John (the principal), and then he took me on a tour of the school.  Then I sat in on the 7th grade Biology class.  Then, they had me teach the class!  Scary!  But it ended up being fun and easy.  That's what I like about 7th graders, they are able to just go with the flow and roll with the punches (in general).  John observed me teaching which was a little scary.

After teaching, I observed a few other classes and then had my sit-down interview with John.  He told me he'd like to give me the job!  Very exciting and very quick!!  So now I am just in the decision making process.  After that interview, Caitlin and I went and got some froyo.  I love Caitlin...she's the best!

After my interview I drove back to Bruce and Karen's and immediately got to playing with the girlies :)  I like playing Maddison's games because they are pretty easy.  She just tells you what to say and you say it.  I don't have to understand the game, just participate :)

We went to Joe's farm grill for dinner that night...yum!  That place is my fave!  We took a girlie picture.  I feel so lucky to have such awesome and fun in-laws!

Tuesday was super fun too.  Jody and I played outside with the girls and I got a sunburn (yay it felt good!) and then went to Barro's for lunch.  That was way fun.  After Barro's we went home and I prepared for my Skype job interview with another charter school in AZ.  Maddison wanted to watch something with me real quick too...

The job interview was scary and I was not that well prepared I guess.  I didn't get offered that job.  But it's okay because I would have to teach 2 different grades, 3 different subjects, which would be way hard for my first year.

After the interview we had dinner and then Jody and I went and had a girls night!  Super fun!  We went shopping and to a movie.  Complete with popcorn, coke and candy!  Yummmm.  It was a blast!

Don't mind how big my head is in this picture...I just have a big head.

I had to say bye to the girlies before we left because I was leaving super early the next morning :(  very sad.  I miss them and can't wait to see them again soon!  I hope Ceci remembers me and still likes me!!

I love this picture...captured a golden moment right here.  Jody probably photoshopped out my sweat because I had been playing pretty hard with this girl.  Running after her and picking her up and running back over and over and over and over.  I love it!

Bye until next time!

I flew out Wednesday morning super early so good thing Karen is so nice and drove me to the airport!  I was feeling really sick so it was a really rough day...but I made it!  What a fun trip.  And fortunately we get to see Jody and her girls again before they move to Dubai!!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful girls! All of you! What a fun family you're part of!
