Thursday, April 18, 2013

White House Garden Tour

Billy got tickets to go to the White House Garden Tour last Sunday.  Good thing he works at a government office because otherwise we would not know about all these cool things going on!  It was really great...we got to go right up and personal with the White House!  Probably as close as we will ever get to going inside.  Warning: we took a lot of pictures!!

 First view of the White House close up.  We were very excited!  They also had these signs everywhere that told us what president planted what tree and when...apparently every president has planted a tree in front of the White House!  Coolio!

Beautiful tulips


Beautiful view...too bad the Washington Monument has scaffolding on it.  Scaffolding loves us (remember our wedding?)


 One side of the white house

Pretty sitting area

Side of the white house

 The white house putting green

 The white house jungle gym

The white house with one of the white house birds (in the bottom right hand corner).  Billy wanted me to include that I said this: "If I were a bird, I would want to be a white house bird".  They've got it made there!  We have been using this joke a lot now.  "If I were a duck, I'd want to be a reflecting pool duck"- Billy.

White house band

 Billy took a picture of one of the security guys.  He said "I saw that" very grumpily to us.  Haha

White house vegetable garden.  Good job Michelle!

White house basketball court

Walking back to Union Station, had to stop for this awesome view

Cool angle of the Capitol

Oh ya and we took this super cute pic on my phone by the white house...I love it!

 Super fun day!


  1. That's awesome. Love all the pictures and narrative :)

  2. That secret service guy feels like a member of the family now. So lucky you got so up close! I didn't know the white house had a jungle gym and a basketball court!
