Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Cherry Blossoms!

So we had heard tons of things about the famous DC cherry blossoms.  Before we came out here, everyone kept saying "oh good!  You'll be there for the cherry blossoms!" And now we understand what all the hype is about!

The blossoms started emerging last week on Tuesday.  I knew we had to hurry to see them because they don't last and it was supposed to rain on Thursday!!  So we planned on going to see them down at the tidal basin on Wednesday.  I met up with Billy after work where he had met Sister Dalton earlier that day!!  How lucky is he?

Billy has a such sweet job.  We took kind of a long time getting out of the office so we had to BOOK IT down to the basin before the sun went down!  And we made it!!  Just a warning: there are going to be a ton of pictures in this post.  We took like a million.  We couldn't resist.  But the pictures don't even do it justice! (but it was SOOOO crowded!  Bleh!)

VERY crowded.  But look at those blossoms!  AMAZINGGGGGGG

Lots of pictures with me awkwardly in them...we don't like pictures without people we know in them.  But we probably should have done more nature pics and less awkward Caitlin pics...

Billy getting artsy fartsy...

Look at all those blossoms!!


We're weird...

Billy with nighttime Jefferson memorial

It was awesome!!

Then, we went to good stuff eatery again :)  yummm.  On our way back to Union Station, we stopped and took some pictures of the Capitol at night.  We love this building!  Billy is so lucky he gets to spend so much time there.

Me running so fast (to look like I'm whooshing past)

Then on our way to the station again we saw a beautiful alcove of blossoms that looked so cool...we just had to stop and take some model pics.

Oooh magical...

Look at those blossoms!

Sorry for all the pictures.  It was such a fun night.  It didn't rain the next day, but it rained on Friday and all the blossoms were gone!  Good thing we went and saw them when we did!

PS this is the day I turned in my teacher work sample!  YAY it felt so good and I was a very happy girl all day!


  1. So beautiful! That is so awesome that you guys got to be there for that and just in the nick of time. I am loving seeing everything you guys are doing.

  2. The blossoms are AMAZING! I wonder if it was more crowded in DC than when we were there. You're so lucky to have been there for springtime!
