Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Science Night!

On January 22 my school had a Science Night.  We had one last year too and I volunteered to help out with a fancy microscope that one of the parents was bringing from their lab at ASU.  I set up slides of student's cheek cells, onion cells, etc. and I got to walk around and look at all the other booths.  This year I said I would do 3 dissections: a frog, a shark, and a fetal pig.  I thought it would be similar to last year but BOY WAS I WRONG.  I was a super popular booth...had a constant crowd the whole night!  It was insane!  I did not get a chance to leave my table at all...stuck behind it for 2 hours.

The frog was easy, I actually did two so Billy and some other people could have more time to set up the Doc Cam so I could project the dissections onto the wall.  It wasn't working and people were getting restless to see the shark!  Turns out the shark was WAY bigger than I thought and I was going to cry when I pulled it out of the plastic.  It was like 3 ft long!  But I just sucked it up and did it!  Everyone seemed super impressed.  I didn't want to do the pig either because it was so sad but I just sucked it up for that too and it ended up being super cool.


Hahaha I love this picture because this is my bossy, listen to what I'm saying face.

Dissecting the pig, and smiling at the same time

My instagram pic
The next day the school sent out their weekly email and I was the teacher spotlight!  Boo ya!

Well, I'm off to "practice for a half marathon"!  Hahaha :)


  1. We got a doc in the house! You are such a professional lady Cait getting a bio and everything. I wish I could have been there to watch. That Asian girl in the front looks pretty squeamish.

  2. You are so famous! Did you think, "Oh my gosh, I really have to cut into this huge thing?!" Or were you like, "I love science!" (still mom)

  3. Look at you Mrs. Spotlight! Cute picture too! I wonder how many FB and IG posts you were in after that night!!! That's a serious crowd!
